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June 23, 2024

Tutlo’s Strategic Approach to Integrating AI for Operational Excellence and Product Innovation

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4 minutes

This a guest post by Yuliia Pysmenna, COO at Tutlo, where we delve into the exciting realm of AI-driven opportunities. Tutlo, an innovative online English school, has been at the forefront of integrating AI to enhance operational efficiency and foster product innovation.

In this article, Yuliia explores specific use cases and Tutlo’s strategic approach to leveraging AI for transformative impact.


For quite some time now, I have been observing a great interest of Polish companies in solutions in the field of AI – this can be seen, among other things, in the full auditoriums and the high number of registrations for various pieces of training, lectures, and conferences related to the use of artificial intelligence in business.

Therefore, I believe that the number of implementations of tools based on AI will only grow. Leading in this area will be companies in which personnel costs constitute a major part of expenses, thus having extensive customer service or sales departments. I assume that over time, all basic activities in these areas will be performed by AI, and service provided by consultants will be reserved exclusively for more complex processes or so-called ‘premium options.’

However, this will not happen quickly – there is still a long way to go.

  • First of all, clear legal regulations in this area are needed for AI-based solutions to permanently enter the business world.
  • Secondly, we first need to learn how to use such solutions so that their implementation is actually beneficial. For example, ChatGPT has access to information from the entire internet. However, if we want it to write a post on a given topic, we need to know how to construct the command.
  • Thirdly, the tools must be more technologically advanced than they are currently – at least to the extent that they are able to perform the task as well as a human.

At Tutlo, we have been experimenting with the use of Gen AI for some time, which is why we have created a dedicated AI department within the company. This department researches and analyzes where AI can potentially bring us the highest benefits from a business perspective. It deals with mapping internal and external processes, which will allow us to identify those areas that can be automated, as we realize that AI – both Predictive AI and Generative AI – is not a panacea for all challenges and will not replace people but – when properly implemented, it can support them.

Here’s a small aside: initially, we considered the possibility of outsourcing AI-related activities, but after preliminary analysis, we decided that creating an internal department and appointing internal ambassadors who would take on tasks related to employee education would be more effective.

We see the potential of AI in two parallel areas: improvement of internal processes and product development. We are working on implementing Gen AI in the initial stages of training our students, assessing their initial skills, and checking the correctness of tasks, but we also want to go a step further.

We are exploring the possibility of expanding services to include courses with Gen AI , as well as creating an assistant who would accompany our students at all stages, taking care, for example, of adapting their education to individual needs.

Are you interested in the Gen AI use cases?

Download our eBook “Gen AI in Business” 

Autor: Yuliia Pysmenna, COO at Tutlo

Tutlo – online English school founded in 2015. Its platform is designed for on-demand learning, accommodating users whenever they have the time. Currently, the company cooperates with nearly 2300 native speakers and Polish lectors, nearly 58000 customers use its services, and the team consists of 500 people. Tutlo also offers solutions for the B2B segment – it currently cooperates with almost 500 companies. Tutlo has been awarded many times for its innovation, including: during Orange Fab Poland. In 2022 and 2023, Tutlo was also included in the prestigious Financial Times ranking “FT 1000 – Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies”.



Generative AI